Coffee Filter Press
My office got a new coffee maker that uses the cone filters, compared to our old coffee maker that used traditional basket filters. We still have hundreds of the basket filters and I didn't want to let them go to waste. I thought of an idea where I could "press" a basket filter into the approximate shape of a cone filter and started designing this device. A nice upside, is that basket filters are exponentially cheaper than cone filters! If you already own a coffee maker that uses cone filters and want to save some money, buy some basket filters and give this a whirl! This will convert an 8-12 cup basket filter into a #4 cone filter. It's a 2-piece design, combined into one STL file. If your print bed isn't big enough to fit both pieces, you should be able to separate the pieces into different parts within your slicer application and print them one-at-a-time. Depending on how fine-tuned your printer is, you might need to use supports on the upper/press piece (with the handle).