CNC mod: Vacuum Adapter
Inspiration: LocLine - modular hose system Main model (cncVacuumClr_modular_hose.stl) was based on this thingi by <a href="">axford</a> from June 19, 2011: so please check this link if You want some more modules, or some inspirations. Original design required some fixing, so they may not be fully compatible with parts from this project. In this project I designed mounting system with required adapters and nozzles, that provides a method of removing dust and unused material from my CNC machine work area. Model <i>cncVacuumClr_modular_hose.stl</i> was designed to bend up to 20 degrees. List of included stl files: + <b>cncVacuumClr_pipeAdapter_17-35_mm.stl</b> - adapter for typical 17.2 mm pipe to 35 mm vacuum cleaner pipe; + <b>cncVacuumClr_cncMount_58x34_mm.stl</b> - designed to use with basic CNC caret, X = 58 mm, Y = 10 mm, Z = 34 mm; + <b>cncVacuumClr_nozzle_drill.stl</b> - hose for drill; + <b>cncVacuumClr_nozzle_1.7_mm.stl</b> - clear nozzle with 1.7 mm hole; + <b>cncVacuumClr_nozzle_3.2_mm.stl</b> - clear nozzle with 3.2 mm hole; + <b>cncVacuumClr_nozzle_split.stl</b> - experimental module with two nozzles; + <b>cncVacuumClr_modular_hose.stl</b>. Note: to mount this modular hose system I had to use some extra force to push one part in to another, so be careful. As You can see on the photos above, I use PCB vise (<i>PCB Machining Vise</i> by <a href="">DangRenBuRang</a>), which You can download form here: I use typical 3018 CNC machine. <b>I do not guarantee this modification will fit to Your machine</b>. So please, before use <b>check all dimensions, and make sure if everything is correctly mounted (every moving part is rigid) and works fine.</b>