Viticulture Essential and Tuscany Card Holder with Moor and Rhine Expansions

Viticulture Essential and Tuscany Card Holder with Moor and Rhine Expansions


I love the original version of this card tray, but when I got copies of the Visit from the Rhine Valley and Moor Visitors expansions, I was unable to fit them into the box with everything else. So, I used my crude TinkerCAD skills to stretch one separated row to accommodate the original visitor cards combined with the Moor Visitors, and I converted another row into a divided one to fit the two Rhine Valley decks. Somehow I managed to get it right on the first try. Note this did require me to combine the automa and special worker cards into a single slot, but as I never use either, it wasn't a big sacrifice. The other slots hold: (1) all of the mamas (including the Viticulture World mamas), (2) all of the papas (including the VW papas), and (3) all of the field cards. A few aesthetic changes were also made. I chamfered the back to remove a bunch of unnecessary plastic, and I added some unnecessary plastic into the triangular front section's bottom, making it trapezoidal and thus easier to get the extra bits out. Unfortunately there's still an unused half-width slot, but you can split the vine deck if you like, since it's nearly proud above the rim.



