Raiser legs for Cricut Maker/Maker3

Raiser legs for Cricut Maker/Maker3


Yes you can find dedicated furniture for your CriCut machine, but we have a 3d printer for many reasons including the “I'll do it myself”. So here it is, a simple idea to raise your Maker (or Maker3) from the table and have room to store your mats or small leftovers of vinyl. You will get about 45mm under the machine, since the raisers are 46mm tall. Those raiser legs are meant to fit in place of the orignal rubber feet: remove them (they pop off easy with a flat screwdriver) and you'll see this 3D printed part slots right in. Reuse the original rubber feet under the raiser legs. For the mini shelves: they should be 3mm (be it hardboard, plywood or acrylic sheets) and a width of 475mm, I won't advise to exceed 20cm depth. Print settings should be for a minimum of strength, give it 3 wall loops and 20% infill. Use whatever filament you can get the best layer cohesion with, I get great results with PETG. If your printer has a good dimensional accuracy, it will stay snug in place of the original rubber feet.





