This is a speaker for the SP-404mkii it is not finished as of yet as i want to add a lip to grap on to the SP so it sockets in, to make it more sturdy, i want to add some kind of rubber grommet to the jacks so they have some wiggleroom to make sure that im not putting strain on the female connecters, i want to add routing for the midi jacks and the usb, and i have to fix the threading for the jacks as i didnt measure my jacks threading so you have been warned, if you want to make one yourself be prepared for some kinks, for the amp, speakers and battery i just searched for wooden grain speaker, i know they come in different varieties, some called "w5 shock bass" an have also seen some named ft-4002, im pretty sure that all of them would fit my design here i cut a cardboard ring and used for the gasket for the speaker at they dont have any foam gasket or anything like that i will update this project here's a small demo https://youtu.be/gcbnA7dCk8M