Fokoos AI Cam and Tool Holder

Fokoos AI Cam and Tool Holder


the cam is mounted with an M3 nut and bolt through the lower hole on the carriage. The tool holder is held in place with VHB acrylic tape with the red backing, i had wanted it to use the upper hole but realised i couldn't as the spanner and nozzle cleaner blocks access. i havent printed the text version as i was unsure how the text would turn out. i use the tutorial from for the camera software link: but i turn down the camera frequency from 5000 to 100 (LED_LEDC_CHANNEL, 100, 8), as it makes a high pitch wine. i change maximum brightness from 255 to 50 (#define CONFIG_LED_MAX_INTENSITY) as the flash gets a bit hot. i have the led auto turn on at 25 brightness when it is streaming as i use a web server on my printer that accesses everything and saves me keep entering the cam ip when it gets dark (int led_duty = 25) i use a £5 buck converter from 24v to 5v for the AI power, and mount it in a case with VHB tape, then run the positive and negative the same path the ribbon cable takes up the frame. the wifi software i use is created by mischanti and recommend it to everyone, it is a game changer for fokoos wifi Hope you enjoy the creation



