Apollo 12 SCE to AUX switch

Apollo 12 SCE to AUX switch


This is a piece of art remembering the lightning strike incident of Apollo 12 and how John Aaron saved the mission on November 14, 1969. Read the whole story here: https://www.vice.com/en/article/xyw4kz/john-aaron-apollo-12-curiosity-luck-and-sce-to-aux Note that the actual Apollo 12 command module instrument panel is slightly different from this model as you can see on this page and the attached photo: https://www.si.edu/object/instrument-panel-trainer-command-module-apollo%3Anasm_A19770320000 I did not want to create the whole switch group, so I created this model following the style of the original panel, but focusing only on the SCE switch. Although there are existing models, I found them either difficult to print, paint or they were not actual switches. This model needs actual screws and an ON-OFF toggle switch. The guards are 3mm diameter wires bent to the exact dimensions using the attached Wire bender tool, so no tricky printing is needed. Parts: - Print the Base model without supports, then remove the sacrificial layer from the switch hole. - Print 4 pieces of the Riser model. Depending on your bed adhesion, you may need to use brim. - Print the Wire bender tool model. - Print the SwitchTip. - 2 pieces of 3mm wire and form it around the Wire bender tool. - 4 pieces of slotted, dome head screws for the corners. You may need to cut them to length or drill bigger holes into the printed model to fit your actual screws. - 2 pieces of slotted, dome head screws for the middle holes. - IKEA Sannahed 25×25 cm picture frame. You can use the screws in the corners or the middle to mount the base to the picture frame. - ON-OFF toggle switch for 6mm holes. In case you have a Silhouette cutting machine you can use the attached .studio3 file to cut the labels. If not, you can re-design the labels with your preferred tool using Franklin Gothic Medium font. I attached the model in Fusion 360 and STEP format, feel free to customize and share your remixes! Enjoy! Acknowledgements: The SwitchTip.stl file is used from Genetoye's Apollo SCE to AUX model on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4686017/files Thanks for creating and sharing that model.






