Dillon 550 Multi Caliber Case Feeder Milled Version ReMix

Dillon 550 Multi Caliber Case Feeder Milled Version ReMix


This is a remix of the Dillon 550 Multi Caliber Case Feeder Milled Version by YankMachain Original: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4772995 The original design was intended to be milled from aluminum. When 3D printed some of the parts were not solid/stable. To address this I modified 3 of the parts: - lower support - added a tab to prevent the side guide arm from spinning - side guide arm - added a tab to connect the outer arm to the inner arm to prevent it from flexing/moving as the slide moves up/down - upper support - added a bolt hole to tighten it on the primer tube I also added a feed tube and adapter to feed the cases to the slide from the case feeder. I drilled a 1/8" hole in the upper slide body to use a M4 screw to hold the tube in place (this replaces the Case Feeder Caliber Adapter). When installing the feed tube, use a case to adjust the depth/height of the tube in the upper slide body hole. Use the screw to hold it in place. Given the tight tolerances with FDM printing, it may be necessary to sand the adapter and top end of the feed tube. Note the adapter has a ridge inside that rests on the top of the feed tube, there is a 'short side' and 'long side'. The 'short side' goes downward on the feed tube. I used a silicone tube, 12mm I/D x 16mm O/D to feed the cases from the Case Feeder to the feed tube. This allows for flex/movement of the tube as the press goes up/down. I tried PVC tube, but it was too rigid. The video shows the functioning of the Bullet & Case Feeders and the Case Feeder Actuator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yguYT0tTjRM






