Bror (Ikea) Spool Holder
This is a filament spool holder. It adapts right onto the the frame of Ikea Bror. The spool sits on a wheel that is **uses 2 bearings (size ID 8mm x OD 22mm x width 7mm)** to help it spin freely and quietly. A bolt can be used to secure it to the frame but is not necessary as it can mount straight to the frame. It includes a spacer that can be used on back of the Bror frame to add stability if wanted and allows for a nut to be embed into it to accept and M5 bolt. This model includes a left sided version and a right sided version so that it can be used on any corner of the frame. This also includes a dual holder if that is something you want to use or mount to a wall or a frame. This holder can accept spools that have a minimum internal diameter of 53 mm. It is useable with all Bambu labs spools.