Aquarium Lamp Stand (parametric)

Aquarium Lamp Stand (parametric)


This is a stand/holder for aquarium tube lights. It is designed to slide on top of the glass walls and hold up to 3 tube lights. Here is brief explanation of all parameters: * *glass thickness* - How thick is the glass wall of the aquarium where the stand will be mounted. * *height* - distance between top of the aquarium wall and bottom of lamp tube. This also sets the width of the holder so it will be stable * *lamp diameter* - diameter of tube lamp. It might be good to add 0.1-0.3 mm to this, so it will be easier fit. * *lamp overlapp* - how much of the tube lamp will slide inside the holder * *lamp offset* - distance between the aquarium outer wall and the start of tube lamp. For example in our case - the length of the aquarium (distance between the outer edges of the walls) is 785 mm. The tube lamp is 715 mm. The difference is 70mm, so divided by 2 makes 35 mm - which is the lamp offset. * *glass paw thickness* - this is how thick are the two protrusions that hold onto the glass. * *glass paw length* - how long are the protrusions holding the glass. * *cable diameter* - diameter of the hole on the back for the lamp cable.






