onewheel pint flight fin
Tree supports touching build plate, printed with .8mm nozzle @141mms. Print based on orientation that is already dowloaded. These models are for one side, mirror the fender and the flight fin for the other side. Battery indicator light is still visible. You will need to drill your own holes for the screws, and countersink Possibility of light sanding on the vertical supports on the fender piece itself, I didnt need to sand on mine but it is a tight fit depending on tire type, and psi of tire. Bolts you will need to replace factory bolts, m4-.07 x 20mm flat head phillips x4, these go into the sloped sides, m4-0.7 x 25mm flat head phillips x4, these go into the flat part. I got these at home depot. Bolting instructions, I used a 1/16th bit for the initial hole, so the drill bit doesn't try to walk when starting, the followed up with a 1/4" bit for the hole. To countersink i just used the phillips head bit itself and spun it into the hole. The screws need to extend from the bottom approximately 10mm to grab onto the existing threading on the onewheel. Hope this helps.