raised Orbiter 2 mount and effector extension for 713maker Rostock effector plate
I designed these parts to switch my SeeMeCNC Rostock Max v2, with 713maker Rostock effector, over to using a direct-drive extruder. The parts are: * Motor mount > Adapts the Orbiter v2 extruder's mount to the effector plate. Also raises the motor by 25mm and rotates it 20º in order to give it more room before it hits the delta arms during movement. * Effector extension > This enlarges the effector so that the arms do not hit the motor as the effector moves about the build envelope. ## Motor mount adaptor details The motor's two mounting screws attach to heat-set threaded inserts melted into the motor side of the adapter, and then the other side of the adapter features 3 of those threaded inserts positioned to line up with the holes to which 713maker Rostock Effector's lock ring normally would attach. The screws that hold the adapter to the effector run in the opposite direction that they had for the standard locking ring - they run from below the effector up through its holes and into the inserts, holding the adapter down against the effector plate. The motor mount adapter functions as the locking ring for the 713maker effector plate and holds the hotend in place. It does not install on top of the locking ring, which can be removed and put into storage. I printed in PLA with a very coarse layer height and used a small heat gun to help achieve a better fit. A 7mm length of bowden tubing runs through the adapter to guide the filament into the hotend. I can't recall the specs of these screws and inserts but if I get a chance I'll disassemble it and update this information. The holes are all 4.4mm wide to fit the heat-set inserts. In theory you could use any screw and insert (or nut) that works with the holes in the other related hardware. ## Effector arm attachment point extensions After installing the motor on this adapter, it still ran into the delta arms at an edge of the build envelope, so I designed extension pieces for the arm attachment points that move each of them 13mm out from the center, thus increasing the effective size of the effector plate so that the effector plate is now free to roam the entire 280mm diameter build envelope unimpeded while printing via direct-drive. The extensions install with the exact same hardware as the arm attachment points (you just now will need twice as many screws and washers). They fit very tightly over the sockets of the effector plate, so almost don't need to be attached with screws -- hopefully that friction fit helps keep everything stiff so that it doesn't add any instability to the effector plate. I was going to use threaded inserts in these but it turned out to be unnecessary. The screws that hold the arms to the extensions bit nicely into the coarsely-printed PLA and the connection seemed very strong. # Design details Parts were designed in OnShape and can be accessed, copied, and modified. Links to Onshape projects: [Effector extensions](https://cad.onshape.com/documents/12a6136c94d5163b16b5ce38/w/97624b43b6c1c5b02e9f4bb4/e/8893683dabe66ed14db06253?renderMode=0&uiState=65af082eb8135654d58e03b7) [Motor mount](https://cad.onshape.com/documents/d7c568e34424cef97f801715/w/31529837ceccaa997b08ce51/e/c4b76851faa766f34fefc3fb?renderMode=0&uiState=65af085fa921a7748afc1ce3)