K1 Max LIT Raiser. All in One Led Raiser and Fixation

K1 Max LIT Raiser. All in One Led Raiser and Fixation


Thanks to Tony F and michel jubault for the Inspiration and the basedata. For a detailed Guide with photos look here: https://www.printables.com/de/model/723834-k1-max-lit-raiser-all-in-one-glass-lid-raiser-with Installation Quickguide: 1. Print 4 Sidebar (with or without Vents how you like) 2. Print the same amount of Vent Slides 3. Print 3x Corner Spacer 4. Print 4x Corners 5. Connect all Corners to the Sides 6. Solder a wire with the JST Connector to the LED Strip 7. Put the Lid Raiser on Top of the Printer 8. Insert the Heatinserts into the CornerSpacers and screw the LidRaiser down 9. Plug in the new LED to the cable of the stock LED 10. LIGHT IT UP AND ENJOY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: MECHANICAL & INSTALLATION The Frame goes onto the Top like the normal NorcoT Frame. You can fasten it down to secure it with the CornerSpacer and the M3 Heatinsert. You just need a M3x35 No need for Firmwarechanges, or sth else, will be controllable via the normal Screen. The LED needs to be soldered with a JST 2pin 1.25mm to connect to the printer instead of the little stock LED-Strip. LED STRIP & ELECTRICS The LED strip slides in easily and dosn't need any glue or something else to stay in the groove. (The cabletie was just a momentary solution while testing, you can just shorten the cable down) SOLDERING The soldering is very simpel. You look for the cable that is connected to the original LED: This way you know what side of the cable is the (+) Positive. ( You can also mark it if you like) In my case i would need to put the black cable on the Positive of the LED (counterintuitiv) (This is just a picture to show the polarity in this case, it could be that your printer has it the other way round, and u should take a longer cable for the connector) Then you can plug it in and test it. DISCLAIMER: If you got it the wrong way, it won't fry your printer, the LEDs just won't work. So if it doesn't light up, just switch the wire-soldering. STILL THIS IS YOUR OWN RISK !!! it works on my printer fine, but i won't give any liability ! Links and things to buy: LED Strip: - Amazon what i have (Warmwhite) https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CL9SXN4X?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details JST: Set of cables Male and Female https://www.amazon.de/dp/B06WGM9W7S?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Heatinserts M3: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0CLLMD958/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UPDATES: 17.01.24 Needed to remove the fasteners i am not happy with the result. they need a slight change 18.01.24 Uploaded the Corner_Spacer just need a M3 Heatinsert and updated the Vent Slides. i forgot to cut them out for the GlassLids 22.01.24 FINSHED PROJECT: -updated the Description -added the neccessary pictures -wrote a guide for the soldering (Step files need 1 more week) For a detailed Guide with photos look here: https://www.printables.com/de/model/723834-k1-max-lit-raiser-all-in-one-glass-lid-raiser-with Waiting for your makes, comments and questions.



