Wild Kratts Blank Creature Disks (plus scorpion disk)

Wild Kratts Blank Creature Disks (plus scorpion disk)


I found the cool Wild Kratts disks by Mojojosiah, but my girls also have odd creature requests, so I needed a Scorpion disk, but there wasn't any available. I blanked out one of the disks to make disk_blank.stl in case anyone else needed a blank disk in this style. I also included the scorpion disk I made using a public domain scorpion svg. (https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Scorpion-vector-clip-art/9437.html) in case you want to download it too. I have included my openscad file, in case someone wants to create their own custom disks by providing an SVG. To use it, download the disk_blank.stl, disk_custom.scad, and a svg that you want to use for the disk. in Openscad, put in the correct name of the svg, then modify the offsets and scale until you have it just right. It should stick up 2mm over the disk surface just like the others. Then just hit File->Export->Export as STL, and you should be all set.







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