Ender 3 V2 Neo Cable Chain Collection

Ender 3 V2 Neo Cable Chain Collection


# Yet Another Ender Cable Chain Collection (YAECCC)! ## But this time for the Ender 3V2 Neo. I tried finding good collections that did what I wanted and Mr. Wraith's came the absolute closest! However little pieces here and there didn't line up or work how I wanted. So this is for a FULLY stock 3v2 Neo. **Chain Links:** The originals from JohnnyWhiskey bound up a little and didn't move as freely as I wanted. So I used the looser ones in MrWraith's collection. I also liked the slimmer chain for the chain to the hot end. I needed a double "female" link to attach to the underside mount on the extruder. Z-Axis: 23 Looser Cable Chain Links and Covers +1 Double Female and Cover Bed: 13 Looser Cable Chain Links and Covers Hot End: 15 Looser Slim Cable Chain Links and Covers **Base Mount:** This is from MrSerios. **Bed Mount:** This is from MACKNUS_INC (I did use a small black zip tie to keep it good and secure). **Extruder (Top) Mount:** The stock extruder mount from MrWraith wasn't quite right for the Neo. So, I tweaked it some. I extended the clip side to account for the overhang, and lengthened the left-most tab to catch. **Extruder (Bottom) Mount:** This came from a file on printables (https://www.printables.com/model/408734-ender-3-v2-neo-chain). **Hot End Clip:** This one is a customization from both MrWraith (chain clip) and the printables file (bottom clip). I had to slide a little block in to extend the clip up, and cut some slices to account for the screw and little tab from the hot end shroud. So a bit of this and a bit of that with some tweaking and here's my collection. To print like mine shown above total parts: - 37 Chain Link Covers - 36 Looser Chain Links - 15 Looser Slim Chain Links - 15 Slim Chain Link Covers - 1 Double "Female" Cable Chain Link - 1 Ender3v2_Neo_Bed Clip - 1 Ender3v2_Neo_StockExtruderMount - 1 Ender3v2_Neo_HotEndClipMount - 1 Ender3v2_Neo_Improved_Chain_Attachment - 1 Ender3v2_Neo_ZAxisStepper_BottomConnector



