Modular Picture/Photo Frame
This is a modular Picture Frame Set for 4x6" (10x15cm) pictures. The frames con be put together in several ways to fit your needs, see images for examples. The single frames are hold together by with clips on the back. There are also files for different hangers. A 4x6" picture should fit fine without cutting. Pictures could be fixed to the frame with a thin doublesided tape or a bit of glue of your choice on the edges and maybe in the middle. You have to try out what is needed or not. I'm planning to some different sizes, so you can make yourself a nice collage. If you like my design please leave me a heart :-) Maybe you could consider to tip the designer for his "hard work" and the "endless hours invested" ;-) Wenn euch das Teil gefällt, dann lasst mir bitte einen Like da. Bin auch für jedes Feedback dankbar. Über meinen PayPal Link (Tip Designer) könnt ihr mir auch gerne einen Kaffee oder was auch immer finanzieren, ist aber natürlich kein Muss.