Merkur XR4TI Instrument Panel Gauge Mounting Brackets

Merkur XR4TI Instrument Panel Gauge Mounting Brackets


I wanted after market gauges in my XR4TI so I designed these pieces. When using these pieces - no glue or screws are required everything is held in place by the hardware supplied with the gauges. The left and right dash blanks are mirrored copies, so which ever side finish looks best to you, the bottom (textured plate) finish looked best on my prints. The 2 smaller upper gauges are spaced outward to allow the lower gauges to be higher and therefore not hidden as much behind the dash trim - Note the gauge spacer has a flat spot which needs to be set against the lower gauge. You will however be required to modify a piece of the instrument panel, this will allow room for the gauges and idiot lights, one picture shows my cutting on my panel, I just used a dremel, don't cut anymore than needed and test fit often. You need 2 each of the - gauge spacer, large gauge mounting bracket, small gauge mounting bracket. Any questions just ask.






