eSUN refill adapter for Bambu Reusable Spool

eSUN refill adapter for Bambu Reusable Spool


Update side corner flat as of 1/28/2024 as final ver. to adopt 1st gen AMS with no error. As you may aware the width of eSUN spoolless refill paper roll is about 5mm less than Bambu Reusable Spool width. This makes 5mm range ditch and causes so terrible dropout filament issue during printing, in worst case you need to waste full of filament bunch! BUT to make full printing spool makes no sense. It just wasts 100-300g of filament with not so short printing time. Also almost all the adaptors does not care 4 filament ties! WHY? Then I made this half spool like adaptor for Bambu Reusable Spool with 4 filament ties management, 65g/1.5hour printing. It is fully fit and functional no jamming with AMS. Print Settings Printer: Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Rafts: Doesn't Matter Supports: No Infill: 15% Filament: N/A PLA Category: 3D Printer Accessories



