HORNBY R072 OO Gauge BR Class 25 CDrom Motor Upgrade, Pickups and Cabs

HORNBY R072 OO Gauge BR Class 25 CDrom Motor Upgrade, Pickups and Cabs


Ok So i had a pair of old hornby class 25 (well more like 1.75 class 25's). bothe with burntout ringfield motors and wanted to see if i could save one and upgrade one to dcc an improve its runnings by: 1. changing the motor 2. removeing traction tyres 3. adding more pickups (all wheels) 4. add lights 5. add cab details (as had none). Motor 1: I sourced some replacement cd rom motors and rather than using a 6v replacement i found a 12v version on aliexpress MABUCHI RF-300FA-11410 D/V 13.0 DC https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005477244642.html?srcSns=sns_Copy&spreadType=socialShare&bizType=ProductDetail&social_params=60477611390&aff_fcid=b868bec2cd334c03a9d7c1bba2304cfe-1706448741699-07524-_EImsF7j&tt=MG&aff_fsk=_EImsF7j&aff_platform=default&sk=_EImsF7j&aff_trace_key=b868bec2cd334c03a9d7c1bba2304cfe-1706448741699-07524-_EImsF7j&shareId=60477611390&businessType=ProductDetail&platform=AE&terminal_id=6675beb7e17742bebe7e5818aabbfe7f&afSmartRedirect=y and designed a bracket to fix it in place Wheels 2: As i had 2 (ish) i noticed that I could scavange the unpowed boggie wheels from both locos and combine into 1 set of non traction tyre versions. i know i loose some traction ut will add a bit more wieght to help that. pickups 3: Designed a bracket for the unpowerd boggie that i could put in bronze wires to top of wheel (would Have gone with side pickups, but the boggie has a metal frame and i wanted to avoid shorts. this method was also added to the motor mount (and a small piece for the gear side, to be glued in pace) As a by product I had to remove the nub on unpowed bogie end, but that helped solve the lean. and i now have 8 wheel pickup Lights 4: Got some by colour (red/yellow, with common anaode) led's for headlights and yellow for cab and headcode light (which i cut a hole in the window glass so headcode and cab can be one light and folowing this guide https://loco-updates.uk/class-153-2/index.htm and added directional led's to front (one red/yellow and other side just yellow wiried up. Cabs 5: Ok i had none in the 2 (ish) loco's so out can cad and a few mins latter i had a set. (notice the motor end version is shorter due to gears, but i can live with that as some is better than none. next need to sort some headcodes and some weathering to grim the to 1960's grime. and sort some headcodes






