Crow Model (Lamp)

Crow Model (Lamp)


This is a crow that I modeled in CAD and finished in Blender. The intent of the model was to use as a decor piece that would be able to hold a lamp cord in its beak. My Significant other has wanted to buy something like this for a long time, so I thought it would be a cool opportunity for a print. The lamp cord and bulb was sourced from an online retailer. This is simply a plug in cord that has a light-bulb socket on the end. I ensured getting one with a dimmer switch, as no shade would entail a very bright bulb. I printed this at full size with tree supports in a narrow line under the belly. The legs, tail, and head/beak, did not require supports. I suspect this may not need supports at all in highly tuned printers (but I didn't want to risk it for my showpiece). Even then, tree support scarring will not show when model is upright. It looks great in black or other fun colors.






