Model Railway OO Gauge Points - Spare Part

Model Railway OO Gauge Points - Spare Part


This is a spare plastic part for 00 gauge railway points. I designed this because our model engineering society has a OO gauge layout, the layout uses servos to control the points, however members sometimes try to move the points manually and this can break the small plastic link that moves the points from one track to another. This part replaces the broken part. I decided that the weak point that connects the track to the moving plastic link would be too weak printed on a 3D printer, so in order to connect the track I use dress making pins. Warm these up in a flame, and push then through the plastic link. Holding them in place you can secure then to the plastic link with a little CA (super) glue. Then cut off the excess and file flat. I also decided that the hole for the servo would be better drilled manually - not sure why but that's how I designed it.






