Articulated Lava Dragon
Hi everyone, I'm P1lotz, a 3d designer since 2019. You might have seen this design before on Printables. In June 2023 I made another dragon, but never uploaded it to YouTube nor Thingiverse. That changes today. Today you can find this dragon on both Printables AND Thingiverse!! I made a new articulated dragon, with inspiration from my dragon recorder (link: https://www.printables.com/model/494227-dragon-recorder ) There are two versions of the print: the normal one, and the quick one. The quick one takes around 5 hours to print. It is a little smaller but still moves around perfectly. The normal version takes around 10-13 hours. video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlmDcrZ8yL4 The body moves freely around ✓ The legs move up and down✓ The tail moves freely around ✓ The head moves freely around ✓ The Dragon can be printed in one piece ✓ No support needs ✓ The Quick version takes around 5 hours to print The dragon is made in Blender 3d, (not the same as my smoothie tho). Feel free to upload your makes. I would appreciate that. The model is fun to play around with, and I think you would like the feeling of the joints moving freely in any direction. how to make your own dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flpUojhVc8M&t=1s I hope you'll have a great day. if you like this model, check out my other dragon models right here: https://www.printables.com/model/313127-articulated-ice-dragon-by-p1lotz https://www.printables.com/model/306338-blue-articulated-dragon https://www.printables.com/model/272149-articulated-rocky-dragon https://www.printables.com/model/331094-articulated-christmas-dragon This model is 100% made by me, and you can not sell it, and reupload it without permission from me (I'm probably saying yes anyways for 10% of the income, but please ask me before you do it, or else I'm going to report you). You can contact me on Printables if you have any questions (you can contact me on Thingiverse too, I just prefer Printables): https://www.printables.com/@P1lotz If you have better pictures, feel free to upload them, so I can use them for the thumbnail, thank you.