Numbered Objective Flags
<b> Numbered Objective Flags </b> Print out what you need and ride the rest home. They are Numbered from 1 to 6 and have two different flags. These are used for table top miniatures games to mark objectives. When you claim an objective, the flag can be removed. Could also be used for tactical roleplaying games or even board game pieces. <b> This can be used for miniature table top games set in a Dystopian, Modern or Future World. This can be used for RPGs, table top miniatures games, dioramas, or photography scenes. The sky is not a limit. </b> <b>Can be used for games like Pulp Alley, Alternity's Edge, 5 Parsecs From Home, Cyberpunk, Stargrave, Fist Full of Lead, This is Not a Test, Zona Alpha etc. </b>