Wedge Rail One (NoDins Run =)

Wedge Rail One (NoDins Run =)


Wee engineers love DIN rails - and for good reason. (Google if you've 'nere heard 'o them.) Yet 3D printed equivalents 'oft waste much material en-support. So I created this "No Din Rail." Prints without support, and everything 'rails along afterward very nicely, indeed. Designed for small printers as well as large, **Web Rail One** also prints quickly - both the CLIP as well as the RAIL in under two hours - on my machine. Holes along on the top + face of the CLIP allow for much 'befastened options, as well as securements. -Nails, tacks, screws, and even self-tappers shalt anchors thyne creations quite nicely. Print a few & slack 'em length-sided for any 'longers. Enjoy! p..s. Be sure to keep the "rise" towering above the "run."



