Under shelf holding bracket for TP Link UH700 USB Hub

Under shelf holding bracket for TP Link UH700 USB Hub


Under shelf holding bracket for TP Link UH700 USB Hub The bracket is designed to hold a TP Link UH700 Hub under a table, bookshelf, etc. There is spacing between the bracket and Hub to allow for any heat dissipation. With this design there is no access to the power switch and only one of the two charging ports. !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!! When installing the unit mare sure that the Hub power is on! Note 1 Supports are recommended for the bracket but not the spacer. Suggest tree or organic with touch build plate only. Note 2 The spacer is not essential but recommended as it holds the hub from moving while providing a space for heat buildup at the top of the USB Hub to dissipate. Two sizes are provide 3.25 MM (one hole) and 3.5. MM (two holes). Suggest you try the 3.5 MM first. The height can be increased or decreased prior to slicing if you want to make it fix more appropriately. Note 3 With this design there is a loss of access to one charging port and the off/on switch. If this is critical to your use of the hub it should not be too difficult to remixing the design by modifying it to accommodate the hub in an upside down orientation. Mirror the design along the long axis, punch out a access hole on the bottom to be able to use the off/on switch, make the unit higher so that thinner screw tabs can be used and cut out the area around the charging ports so that they can be used. Suggest centering the screw Tap above the charging ports so that it is symmetrical with the tab at the opposite end. The power switch and charging points were not an issue for me and I had the unit designed and printed before I realized that a simple fix was available. APPROXIMATE ONLY Item Time Filament Bracket 4.3 hr 15 metres Spacer 27 m 2 metres






