1/3 Scale Flyable AIM-9 Sidewinder Missile

1/3 Scale Flyable AIM-9 Sidewinder Missile


This is my version of an AIM-9 sidewinder (Based off this thread at The Rocketry Forum): https://www.rocketryforum.com/threads/kn-aeronautics-aim-9l-sidewinder.180366/ It is roughly 1/3 scale (just under given commonly available body tube sizes to work with) The model was produced using the function in Open Rocket to generate .obj files from models. I have included the model (do note the nose weight, the part weights are based on printing this in ASA, .2 layer height, 20% cubic infill and 3 perimeters). Since it does require nose weight be sure to weight your parts. Centering rings and the nosecone bulkhead are 1 mm thick, use your slicer to scale them to your desired thickness. The nosecone can be printed in 1 piece (requiring supports) or 2, (requiring minimal supports). Since you have to add a good amount of nose weight, 2 pieces was easier, as is adding the bulkhead later. This is designed around LOC 38 mm thick walled tubing (it's both motor mount and body tubing). Also designed to use LOC 29 mm motor mount tubing. The motor mount tubing won't fit through the coupler to the body without peeling some layers, but you could easily fit longer motor casing through (would just hang beyond the tube, which isn't an issue). I flew this successfully on a G-53 the same week I printed it, was a stable flight without issues (other than the tree it landed in). I just glued a piece of kevlar around the MMT and made a small cutout in the forward centering ring to attach the shock cord, but other options are possible. Please, please remix - my eventual goal is to add more detail to the parts, but I don't have enough time currently to figure that out.






