30 Pre-Crackled Lava / Dried Mud Hex Bases for BattleTech
30 different 3D textured pre-crackled Lava/Dried Mud themed Hex Bases for BattleTech. Way easier to paint than having to use texture or crackle paint! The bases are same shape and size as the bases on the official miniatures but they have Hazard Stripes on one side to show unit facing. All of them have places in the bottom to hold a pair of 3x2 mm round magnets. For the bases in the pics, used the following paint: Prime: vallejo german panzer grey Base coat: vallejo game color scarlet red heavy drybrush: vallejo model color mohogany brown (to leave the cracks dark) light drybrush: vallejo game color srofulous brown (highlight) wash: vallejo game wash sepia shade The extra texture around the feet of the Thunderbolt is super glue with some bi-carb soda (baking soda) sprinkled on it. Easy to do while you're attaching the mini to the base!