Banana For Scale

Banana For Scale


Ever needed a banana for reference? Well, now you can have as many as you want with your own Banana For Scale. Metric and Imperial flavors available. Right or left-handed per preference. Designed to print at 0.2mm layer height, with 1-2 filament swaps for desired effect. All bananas have a cavity for a 10x1mm neodymium magnet; just add a layer pause, a dot of glue, and mag. You want a perfectly ripe banana? Print layers 11-15 with yellow. You want a pre-ripe banana? Printer layers 11&12 with green, and layers 13-15 with yellow. Files: Ban4Scale_CM_LH.stl - metric, 20cm x 6cm, left-handed Ban4Scale_CM_RH.stl - metric, 20cm x 6cm, left-handed Ban4Scale_IN_LH.stl - imperial, 8in x 2.5in, left-handed Ban4Scale_IN_RH.stl - imperial, 8in x 2.5in, right-handed



