Vinyl Record stand "now playing" with light and switch

Vinyl Record stand "now playing" with light and switch


(still a work in progress) Hi you record lovers! Here is a record stand with back light, a convenient little end-stop switch to light it when you put the record on it: I used a flex led 300mm from Ali (link of the type at the end) they are quite powerfull and really slim (about 1.5mm diameter) 6x M2 screws (to lock the facing) 2x M4 screws (to lock the back stand) For the lettre facing a piece of transparent screen coming from a dead LCD screen (light spead sheets can be really usefull in your broken screen, even the freznel sheet can be used for some project, dont trow them to quickly!) In the files pack there is the lettre facing WITH HOLLOW if you have a 2colors printer, and a FLAT facing if not (just change filament at the right time!) To fit the led filament i just wided it with an iron the place around the facing To fit the switch in the shaft a smelt some left over filament with a iron to add some material and lock it in place. 6 holes on the bottom are shaft for neodym magnet that you can past with glue if you would like to secure the stand on you Ampli, but this is my second design and i think it's no longer needed (really stable like this). Hole for the cable at the back should be modify easily if you prefer a power Jack or someting els. I printed it with 1.6dynamic resolution (cura) worked fine. It takes me something like 10h for the whole print. The back of the stand can be modify to fit your preference with fusion 360. THIS IS IMPORTANT : if you make your own back stand, give it a 5° angle to ensure the position of the record. As usual : you have STL files, Fusion 360 files, and 3mf files Let me know if you remake it and modify it ! Would love to watch your ideas!






