Gridfinity 7x8 Split Interlocking Baseplate
7x8 Gridfinity compatible baseplate for Zack Freedman's Gridfinity storage system, split into 4 puzzle pieces for printing on a smaller printer. This is designed in such a way so that the base plates cannot be separated if moved front to back, such as in a cube shelving unit. My particular cube shelf was close to 8 units deep by 7 units wide, which is what this is designed to accommodate in as few prints as possible while still limited to the buildplate size of a smaller printer. The individual pieces fit within a 5x5 gridfinity grid, so if your printer can fit a 5x5 gridfinity plate (210x210mm) you can print these without rotation. Since the pieces are mirrored, you will need to print 2 of each for a 7x8 plate.