Dishwasher Rack Holder (Neff, Bosch, Siemens)

Dishwasher Rack Holder (Neff, Bosch, Siemens)


This sparepart fits on Neff style dishwashers and holds in the top rack. I do strongly advice to use ASA or a material with similar properties regarding temperature, chemical- and water resistance. Other materials like PETG or ABS (not even to mention PLA) are not suited for this application. It took me a while to accomplish a satisfactory result. After several iterations and tweaks I got some really clean prints with the new Prusa Slicer 2.6 and organic supports. I cannot give general advice for ASA. Nevertheless I personally do use a PEI coated plate and addhesion is very good. The best results are achieved when printing it with the thicker “foot” on the build plate. It's also a good idea to print several pieces at once, because it gives the layers time to cool down. I personally made good experiences with 2 pieces. Enclosure is needed!



