22lr sliding lid ammo box with latch

22lr sliding lid ammo box with latch


This is the third and likely final iteration of my 22lr ammo box. See [thing 6413149](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6413149) and [thing 6413088](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6413088) for the previous designs. This box is based off version 2. It adds windows to the lid so you can see how much ammo is in each side and a latch that has to be depressed to slide the lid open. It requires a spring, which could probably be 3D printed but I made one out of piano wire. This lid will work on the previous version if you want the windows but no latch. I've only published a 100 round version of this one. It could be modified to make a 50 round version, but I don't have a need for one and haven't spent the time modifying it. After printing and cleaning up the print, drop the latch in the main body followed by the spring then press the plug in place. It should be tight enough you don't need any glue. I don't have a picture of the spring I made, but it resembles a butterfly paper clip. Supports are necessary. PLA+ seems to work better than regular PLA due to the compliant mechanism.



