Customizable Ball Jointed Doll Head cap

Customizable Ball Jointed Doll Head cap


Ball jointed dolls (BJD) often come with a removable, magentic 'head cap' on the back of the head. This allows for customizable eyes, and removal of the head for easy dressing of the doll or painting of the face. However, it's often the piece most easily lost with old dolls. This file is a customizable attempt at a BJD cap. This part of the head is usually covered by a wig, so doesn't need to be perfect. It just needs to hold in place and give the wig structure. If you are new to 3D printing, you will need to customize this file by downloading the free CAD software 'OpenSCAD.' You can then change the parameters of the .scad file to better suit your doll, and export the stl for printing. On the 'OpenSCAD' file, you can see that the code parameters can be customized to fit your dolls head. I have assumed a hollow elliptical sphere, and cut away a cube at an angle. You can change these parameters to better fit your doll. Hope this helps! Happy customizing.



