Hex bit holder with labels customizable scad

Hex bit holder with labels customizable scad


This is the ultimate hex bit holder for a few reasons: 1) It has labels so you can know which bit goes where. You can set the labels to your choosing. 2) it is designed for superior retention with a 4 step tapered hexagonal hole. There is a small chamfer on the top for easy bit installation, then there is a slight taper to the final diameter, there after a short distance of the tightest diameter it tapers out just a little at the bottom. This should match well bits with a taper in the middle of the hex where they lock in. 3) it is easily customizable and you can print as big as your printer allows. 4) The design includes "reliefs" which should help if you have warping on large designs. The placement and depth is also customizable. Some Suggestions: First, set the rows and cols both to '1' (as commented out). Print this a s a baseline. Adjust the xd parameter on line 14 until you get a firm but not too tight grab on your hex bits. A larger 'xd' will make bits looser, and a smaller'ed' makes the bits tighter. My printer makes undersized holes by default so I need an xd of 1.28 for a perfect fit. Repeat these test prints as needed. Next think about your layout of where you want your bits. Remember that larger nut drivers and socket drivers may overhang the adjacent spaces. The Two dimensional text array at the top contains the set of labels for the bit holders, update the text as needed. If needed adjust the space between the rows and columns. I used 12mm for both. The relief cuts are centered across the rows and I have them every 3 columns. you can set the "modulus" to 0 to disable the reliefs. If you use 16 columns vs my 17 it might look better with a relief every 4 columns, ie: thermalReliefColModulus = 4; No other adjustments should be needed. I hope this may help you learn some tricks in openscad! Enjoy!







Hand Tools