Bambu Lab Top LED Strip

Bambu Lab Top LED Strip


This is an object that holds LED strips to be installed on the top glass of a Bambu Lab printer. Even if the light goes through the top glass, it adds enough light to improve significantly the visibility in the chamber. The goal of this design is to be simple and non-intrusive. You'll need four riser foot to raise the AMS unit, two pieces of LED strip of less than 1 cm wide, electrical wire and a source of power. You may need to mirror one of the LED Canopy Holder Braces, so the wire will exit the brace on the side you want. The LED canopy will fit on the Bambu Lab bed if printed diagonally. Support material touching the bed plate is required only for the pins that goes into the braces. An infill of 20% is recommended. This object main web page is: This object was designed using Solid Edge Community Edition. You can request the source files on the page listed above.



