Raspberry Pi 4 Case Improved JSC

Raspberry Pi 4 Case Improved JSC


This is a remix of the case #3714695 from Plammers.Thanks to his .Step file I was able to make a few changes that worked better for me. 1. Removed the punch out GPIO panel. (Nice to have and always need more cooling vents) 2. Enlarged the entire side panel for the power, two HDMI ports. Seems like I never have enough room to push my plugs all the way in. 3. Conctinued the cut our for the camera connection, so that the Rpi can be taken out of the case without unplugging the camara ribbon cable. 4. I made the screw holes smaller (2 mm Vs 2.8 mm in the bottom because, I always use a drill to chase the size of hole for my screws to fit tightly. 5. I removed the mounting ears from the top and bottom fo the box, because I always attache mine using Command strips for firm and easy attachment and removal without a tool 6. Enlarged the cut out for the video ribbon cable. (always need more cooling vents). I have included and STL file for each section top and bottom, and also a Step file with the final mods.






