20mm classic Battletech Rotating Movement Tokens
These are movement tokens for classic Battletech! The image on each token can be printed out with any ink or laser jet printer you have at home. Be sure to print the image at 100% scale! These print quite fast as they are very small, but be sure to print slowly, as it yields the best results. I was printing at only 25mm/s, and each token still only took 12 minutes. To assemble, simply cut out the token images and use a little bit of white glue to stick it to the plastic token. The image with the number is on the bottom disk. Note that the Jump token has +1 more than the Walk and Run token! This is to account for the flat 1+ to defense Jumping gives in Battletech. After the images are applied, simply put the top disk onto the bottom disk and apply a little bit of super glue to stick the pin in place. Only a small amount of glue is needed, and be careful not to glue the pin to the top disk.