Moog Matriarch back panel extension.

Moog Matriarch back panel extension.


I wanted to get to the back panel patch points more easily. Simple panel that uses the off the shelf 1/8" eurorack sockets, spare cables and is easily modified for your aplication. This panel has seven sockets with the last two tied togheter so I could have two KB gate outs, you can wire it however you like. I used spare eurorack cables making sure to solder the ground and tip of the connector to the proper lugs on the socket. Use a meter and check twice so you dont invert a signal voltage and damage something. I used the 15lb per inch double faced to hold it onto the instrument so I can pull it off if needed. A little hot glue was used to keep the wires from being pulled out. Bottom of enclosure is just CA glued. Printed with a Bambu A1 no flame edition printer.






