Omni-wheels for Watney Rover
I made these to enable my Watney rover turn better and not get caught up in carpet. Overall this was successful, the rover now turns on a dime. But my TPU settings were all jank and my local staples store didn't have the right paper clips. So the rollers are a bit stringy and axles are a little loose. But if you have these 2 things figured out and follow the [original instructions](, these models will work better for you. Inner rollers are meant to be printed in PLA and the outer rollers in TPU and super glued together like tires. Includes a modified dock for the rover to fit the new wheels. Printed on Ender 3v2 with Overture Black PLA and Hatchbox Grey Blue TPU 95A. Cura default settings except 50% infill on the wheel base for extra strength, er print at a greater infill than you usually do. The wheel base will need supports.