portable monitor
Hello, Here is the portable monitor made of laptop display. To make it working you need: - laptop display, 15.6 inch, eDP 30 pin, FullHD - DP to eDP converter (see photo) - eDP 30 pin connector tape, used to be called "reverse direction cable" (see photo) - USB-C to DisplayPort converter - 22 x M2.5 screws, threat around 3mm long, cone-like head - 4 x M2.5 cross-head screws (to attach the enclosure for the converter circuit), - 4 x M2 screws, 10mm long entirely, to attach the converter circuit to the enclosure - 4 x M2 nuts (same purpose as above) - 26 insert nuts, M2.5, 3mm long - plexiglass, 234x366 mm, 2mm thick (thus can be cut by wallpaper knife; can be thicker, but cutting will be therefore more difficult) - black tape (additionally, to hide imperfection of the print-out). The whole frame can be printed at once as the part fit the table. I recommend to carefully arrange the 3D printed parts to the plexiglass and the display to avoid gaps. To cover the imperfections of the print-out I covered the front side of the printout using the black sticky tape. To be be done: - a stand - maybe the front cover (to avoid scratches of the display when put into the bag).