The Beadnado

The Beadnado


For a long time I've been using a [SuperScooper²]( with a [screw-on funnel]( I made for my desiccant bottles whenever I rotate my stock around, but I had some issues with it. Really liking the idea of a scoop that didn't require supports, I played around in Fusion and whipped up my own version that's purpose built to serve as both a scoop and a funnel specifically for dumping beads in to a container. The lip on the SuperScooper is thick and strong, but it's too thick for beads to easily be scooped up - they have a tendency to fly out off to the side or just generally get pushed around rather than in to the funnel body. So I made mine thinner. That segment starts at one line thick and tapers up to the nominal thickness of the rest of the model after a little bit. The remainder of the model prints maintaining four solid walls on all flat surfaces and three walls (thick gap infill) on the tube portion. Printed at 45° it's good and strong using PLA+ at least and came out perfectly clean with no supports needed. For use - just scoop and shovel it full of beads from your baking tray and keep the end away from the handle down. Once you have the tube end of the handle in your bottle, rotate it so the beads fall through the handle. I left the forward part of the handle square to help with indexing. I also took some feedback from the funnel I had originally made that it wasn't universal enough, working on only a few containers. For this version the OD on the tube is 23mm and it does not require threading on to anything, so it should fit in just about any common container with a 1" cap. STEP file is recommended, also a proven printing profile available over on my [Makerworld]( account.







Hand Tools