Sharkoon QB One Fan Duct Extenstion

Sharkoon QB One Fan Duct Extenstion


I wanted to move my computer case into my living room TV cabinet, but it would get very hot stuck in the little shelf. So I built this which attaches to the Sharkoon QB One case to force airflow through the case a bit better. I have made the duct for both side of the case, but you can just do one if you want. The duct holds two 120mm fans. There is a few different parts you need, but they are mostly very simple and can be printed in a group. For each duct, you need to print: 2x duct-Main Body 2x duct-Body Tab 2x duct-Fan Plate Closed Grill 1x duct-Front Lip 1x duct-Back Lip 1x duct-Clip M2 1x duct-Clip M1 1x duct-Clip F1 1x duct-Clip F2 1x duct-Clip R2 1x duct-Clip R2 For assemble, I sanded the fitting parts so its snug and even, then just super glued them together. Its pretty self explanatory, start by aligning the two large body pieces together then glue in the 2 duct-Body pieces to the inside wall. Then attach the Front Lip and Back Lip at either ends of the body (look at the image for orientations). There are six slots in the body now for the clips to fit in. They are labelled F(front), M(middle) and R(rear) for their position, and the number marks what side they go on. With they fan duct oriented with the front closed to you, and the clips side facing up, mean all type 1 clips go on your right and the type 2 clips go on the left. The clips have a flat side and a side with a slight taper, the flat side should be facing outwards. I would press fit these parts then try attach it to the case to make sure its the right way, before gluing. Check the pics for a better explanations of the layout. With the clips in place the last thing is the two fan plates, just simply line it up and glue. Its maybe easier if you attach fans to them prior to glueing to help alignments. If you print 2 complete sets for both side of the case, the orientation is the same so you don't have to worry about that






