Raspberry Pi - Joy-it Case Lid Mod For 40mm Fan

Raspberry Pi - Joy-it Case Lid Mod For 40mm Fan


Joy-It RB-CaseP4+03B housing is a nice accessory; entirely made of thick, strong, translucent and black smooth plastic. It features an ingenious assembly system consisting of eight strong magnets that firmly connect the main enclosure with an upper and lower lid that can be separately removed to inspect and maintain the micro-PC innards. The upper lid shows dual 25mm fans that, together with three dissipators, effectively help maintain the Raspberry's operating temperature as low as 37°C. The two mini fans' revolution speed is quite high, and although not overly annoying, their noise can be heard in quiet rooms. Moreover, mine gave way after 60 hours of uninterrupted operation and became VERY noisy and unreliable. That is why I designed an alternative lid that can hold a spare 40mm fan that I had sitting around. That fan's speed is remarkably lower (I suspect it requires more power), nonetheless, it turns like a charm, cools like its dual counterpart and it is inaudible even in the deepest quiet. For the locking function, I used four 6.5mm neodymium cylindrical magnets that I had handy. Here, you can find two versions of my model, one with a 6.5mm hole, and one that can accommodate the standard 5mm Joi-it magnets. Tolerances are very snug. Whilst the fan slid in with a relatively mild effort and can stand in its place with no screws, I had to literally bang in the magnets with a hammer. I managed to seat them in their hole with no damage to the lid, the magnets, or my desk, but obviously, YMMV, so be prepared for some struggle.






