Desk Tray Laptop Stand

Desk Tray Laptop Stand


Needed something at work as they have recently introduced a personal locker system for people to keep belongings. I got fed up carrying individual items from locker to desk so designed this as a tray for carrying things and laptop stand combination. Works well and have printed this now for a few other people who liked the idea. It's overall size is bigger than my print bed so split into multiple parts for the print and assembled (using superglue). I've printed with a couple of different types of PLA (PLA, PLA+, silk PLA) and also with different print nozzles (0.4. and 0.6) each require a level of finishing (sanding etc.) on the join edges to ensure a good bond. The print using the 0.6 required most post print work and I wasn't happy with the bonds so printed some support braces which I superglued over the two of the join of side walls to provide extra strength (shown in the pictures - on other prints I haven't needed these) - as such I'd probably recommend a .4 nozzle with a .25 layer height for best results - although of course the compromise is print time.






