GoPro to Cell Phone Adapter (Single Piece)

GoPro to Cell Phone Adapter (Single Piece)


This is a model of one I haven't printed, but it is made with the same cell phone clamp and GoPro adapter that I use all the time. I'm certain it will need supports during print, the main profile should probably be oriented to one of the flat sides and use supports for the GoPro tabs (If that makes sense). I made this model for my Galaxy S8 in it's case, so check the dimensions of your phone compared to the ones shown in the photos provided for this part and adjust accordingly, if needed. I'm posting a few of the prints I use regularly for the GoPro and my phone so check around on the page for other versions of this as well as other accessories! This is a perfect “End of Spool” Print too, if you know what I mean… If you'd like a quick run through of the accessories I've printed and use often check out the “Behind the Scenes” video below: I hope you enjoy! Thanks for checking it out! If you like things like this be sure to check out the many other models I have here.






