Folded Alto Recorder

Folded Alto Recorder


This is an alto recorder (kind of). Its range is about 2 octaves starting at F4, or F above middle C. It prints on my Ender 3 and Sovol SV07 (both 220mm x 220mm bed slingers). Some excellent small recorders, ocarinas, and flutes are already available. I am interested in print-in-place versions of lower baroque recorder voicings. If you're interested in model-based wind instrument design, check out pfh's demakein python module: While demakein does not appear to be maintained, France's INRIA currently develops the excellent OpenWind python module, which provides many similar capabilities and is associated with a number of helpful technical papers: Mango Cats provided a clever solution to make long woodwind bores available for printing on typical consumer printers (with print volumes on the order of 200 mm per side). Their openscad file generates a folded bore, adds a fipple, places holes, and allows for customization of many parameters. This alto recorder design is generated by an edited version of that openscad script. The bore size, fipple dimensions, and hole size/placement have been adjusted to roughly match a Yamaha alto recorder I had on hand. This produces a nice print-in-place recorder with no joints to fuss over, but requires the inversion of left-hand fingerings. I did not find this prohibitively difficult, though.






