E.T. Head Lovers - building brick and minifig compatible miniatures
Eric Nowack's "Head Lovers" STL files. Almost forgot about these! It's been years. These little guys are compatible with building blocks from known brands, and will go great with your figures in a sci-fi-body-horror themed environment. Best printed on SLA or DLP printers with supports underneath! I'll be using the following license for these: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode You can print them at your heart's content and share the files with anyone you like, even publically on the web, as long as you mention me and link to my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NowackWriter/ However, making changes to the files before sharing, or monetizing upon them (or the prints), is not allowed as per the chosen CC licensing agreement.