Easter/Passion Week/Pentecost Panels for Swappable Holiday Lantern

Easter/Passion Week/Pentecost Panels for Swappable Holiday Lantern


I enjoy printing new panels for the holiday lantern, but wanted something more meaningful for the Easter season than just bunnies and eggs. So, I ended up creating my own series for the entire Passion week from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. I included Pentecost which is 40 days after Easter. These are the panels available for each event: 1. **Palm Sunday**: Jesus riding a donkey, and 3 versions of palm branches 2. **Last Supper**: Jesus washing feet, Communion bread and cup (together and individually), coins (Judas was paid to betray Jesus), and praying hands at the Garden of Gethsemane. 3. **Good Friday**: Rooster (Peter denied knowing Jesus), crown of thorns, whip, Jesus carrying the cross, 3 nails, Jesus on the cross, and a spear that pierced Jesus' side. 4. **Easter Sunday**: the empty tomb, an Easter cross, Easter lily, and a lamb 5. **Pentecost**: Wind (breath of God like a rushing wind heard at Pentecost), Fire (tongues of fire resting above each person's head representing the Holy Spirit), Dove (represents the Holy Spirit at Jesus baptism), Person speaking (representing apostles preaching in multiple languages after receiving the Holy Spirit), and Water (for baptism) Just like other similar panels, ones with very fine/thin lines (e.g. coins and nails) may need to be tweaked. I use the following setting in CURA:setting under WALLS called "HORIZONTAL EXPANSION" set it to 0.2 (my quality setting).






