Rav4 Door Bin, and a little read

Rav4 Door Bin, and a little read


ok, so how this all started is..... last September school holidays I was roped into driving my niece's 200kms away to go to their mothers for the holidays, when we were on our way there I excitedly said to my niece "look it made it to 300,000kms" as my cars odometer just rolled over the 300 mark. Low and behold not even 5 minutes after that the car started misfiring. I pulled over to checked her out and found that number 1 cylinder had a dead miss. As I was already 100kms into the trip I kept going on the 5 cylinders I had left praying to the gods of automotive that the old girl wouldn't sh]#*t anything else. I ended up dropping the girls off and babying the car back to my shed. On inspection I found that the brand new aftermarket coil that I fitted 3 weeks ago as preventative maintenance had bloody failed, so I found one of the old ones in that I had left on the shelf and threw it in. Then proceeded to drive out to my friends farm were all the family was camping for the night. On the 45km journey to the farm my car developed a terrible Clunk from one of the rear struts and a a knocking noise from that a/c compressor. As I had only replaced the rear struts 4 years before hand and replaced the compressor, condenser and evaporator 3 years ago I decided that this is the last straw, The next Arvo I headed to the local Dealer and traded in the old Commodore in on a 2015 Rav4 as it is one of the most low maintenance cars I could think of. I swear that this new baby is only getting genuine parts from here on in. any ways I created these door bins so the kids can stop leaving there damn rubbish on the floor of my new ride.






