Space Communist Fish People Shadow Caste Special Ops Team

Space Communist Fish People Shadow Caste Special Ops Team


Smell heresy? Because it is! The space communist fish people shadow caste, a thing I made a while back for my custom 40K army. Back then I noticed the memes of oversexed alien girls spreading literal heresy around the web like actual heresy, and since I'm not someone who can take the bloated official lore any more seriously than the next guy, I decided to add some of my own heresy. Also: Heresy! Enjoy these feist ladies with big guns on your resin printer and on the tabletop, but don't expect any offical store employees to let your enter their sacred grounds with them :D A word of caution: These are fairly hi-poly and will only print well on resin printers. These are unsupported models, so you have to take care of that yourself, but I took care to at least split them into more manageable parts. Probably only for more advanced users, especially if you intend to print them at the tabletop scale.



